In life, people often think the shortest distance toward accomplishment is the path that is fastest, or most direct, etc.
God's way is different. In the realm of the Spirit, the way to accomplishment is the path of peace in His presence.
Engaging God is about entering His rest. The works that you cease doing by the flesh become the ones He does by the Spirit.
There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. Hebrews 4:9-11
As we approach the close of the year, I look back in amazement at what this engaging God has done. Over 11,000 pastors have graduated from our schools of ministry in Africa - 4,000 of them in just the past year alone.
Their testimonies of:
all speak volumes.
Testimonies From Holy Spirit Empowered Pastors
Here are just some excerpts from the hundreds of testimonies we have received from pastors in the past few months alone:
When we attended the school in 2012 we were filled by the Holy Spirit after the teachings on the purpose of Holy Spirit… we started praying every evening in my house with seven others… the fellowship grew in numbers and we could no longer meet in my house...Because we had the teaching material from the School of Ministry training we kept ourselves committed to studying and praying each Sunday…
…within six months we had a congregation of 136 adults. For three years now have seen the Lord moving in our hearts mightily, the church increased to a membership of 307 adults because these teachings have become the foundation of our ministry, being led by the Holy Spirit we have opened four other branches where my other brothers who were elders with me are overseeing, our last branch is four months old now with a congregation of 65 members. Pastor Jackson, Burundi
My husband was so sick and most people had given up… (through) the message on divine healing and studying Succeeding In Spiritual Warfare (one of the KFMI books used in the School) the Lord revealed to us that he was under the strong witchcraft… when God healed my husband the word spread out and the church grew from 23 adults to over 300 church members, without a crusade, and many people are still coming in.
Pastor Rosemary, Uganda
This is my first time to be in such wonderful school...I am church planter; I have planted over 74 churches… The subject of how to hear the voice of God was a new thing that I thought we all yearn to learn. This is the backbone of the ministry in Africa. I am already inspired to start going through the teaching materials on CD. I am so glad that I came with 35 pastors from our churches (branches) in the villages; we have so much to work with.
Bishop Livingstone, Rwanda
This is my first time to attend this training, together with 8 pastors from…on the boarder of Rwanda and Tanzania… The teachings on the Holy Spirit, making spiritual warfare, breaking curses, hearing the voice of God and being intimate with God are never taught… I am so much blessed to access to such treasure that God has provided to us through KFMI. I am in charge of education in our church organization which covers over 150 churches in our district. I was appointed by my bishop to organize workshops for pastors, seminars for all church leaders & workers in our organization and conferences for all our church members. I am so much excited that I have these teaching tools to educate our church leadership. God bless you all!
Rev. David, Tanzania
I oversee 27 churches in Congo, with 32 pastors under my leadership. In each church we have leaders who are helping the pastors to establish and grow their branches. In Congo we don’t have training such as KFMI School of Ministry where we learn how to minister through the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
This is an answered prayer for pastors in our country…I have learnt much especially in succeeding in spiritual warfare, the video teachings on breaking the bastard curse was powerful! I leave Kigali with a lot of inspirations on my heart. I want to start training our pastors and leaders in my church and my friends. I request for the training to be conducted in our city next year.
Bishop Peter, DR Congo
It’s my first time to be under such teachings… I have been exposed to another level of spiritual reality that I was not in. I struggled with the subject of the Holy Spirit; I know him but didn’t have well understanding of his operations… I always had a passion for the sinners to be converted into Christianity, but the raising of a believer into maturity was a big challenge… sometimes I didn’t know the will of God in some situations so I depended on my understanding or people’s advice.
But now I have learnt how to hear his voice, learnt about coming in his secret place to have a fellowship with God, also importance of speaking in tongues to energize and activate my sensitivity in the Spirit… this is what I lacked. I could have avoided many mistakes in the past. I came with my all 20 pastors who share the same sentiments.
Bishop Aline, Burundi
The effects of these teachings have seen our churches increase in church membership because of evangelism through the leading of the Holy Spirit (our church grew from 127 members to over 350), making warfare with much spiritual authority resulting in signs and wonders, daily application of the Dining At The Master’s Table and in The Secret Place books and praying a prayer of breaking the bastard curse over believers and our lives more frequently.
Pastor Clement, Rwanda
I am a church planter and a bishop of over 46 churches in Burundi. But it was not so until I attended the training of the KFMI School of Ministry. In our church we want to reach every town and village with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For over 13 years before we tried to open churches in different places but it didn’t work out, we ended up doing crusades but without a church being planted…
What I learned four years ago at the KFMI SOM was how to walk with the Lord in my calling. I could preach good messages but they dint have the power to transform lives, but when we learnt about the Rhema word, I started practicing to hear the voice of the Lord each time I want to minister.
Our congregation started being blessed and we increased from under 100 adults to six hundred members. Then when we prayed about planting churches the Lord showed us where He wanted us to plant churches. We didn’t struggle where and how to plant. Each town and village that we have our churches was done by the leading of His voice. We planted 36 churches within three years. That means each month we had a church, and now all the pastors (63 pastors also attended the KFMI School of Ministry in Kigali) are being trained with the same teachings of Dr. Paul Norcross. Thank you for your gift of teaching materials on CDs. Pray for us so that we can get money to print them and also translate them.
Bishop Seth, Burundi
This is the second time to attend the training. Today I came with 40 pastors. Our people have a great desire of knowing God but they don’t have such rich knowledge that is being given by KFMI SOM...
Our ministry grew rapidly for the last few years when we started applying what we were taught in the last SOM classes before this one. In our church we were 89 members for almost 12 years and six branches that each had less than 40 members, but today we have 340 church members and 26 branches each having above 100 members. We learned how to do spiritual warfare. We defeated all the witchcraft in our areas. We also learnt how to depend on God to direct our steps, preaching and how to do ministry as Jesus did...Thank you so much Dr. Paul for thinking about us in Africa.
Bishop David, DR Congo
We have been blessed over the years through KFMI SOM… The church has grown and we have also planted 7 churches after understanding how to operate under hearing the voice of the Master, Jesus Christ...
…there is so much joy and fulfillment when we pray in tongues and wage war according the teaching on spiritual warfare and the purposes of speaking in tongues. The church atmosphere changes to a miracle ground and in the process so many people have been healed and delivered from the demonic powers.
This happening frequently in our church services brought more to the lord, we grew from a congregation of 34 members to 247 church members. The revival in the church led us to open other seven branches which have over 70 church members in each gathering.
We pray that we this school of ministry should continue so that the pastors may be enlightened. Our desire is to start teaching our church leaders… I am so much thankful for the teachings.
Rev. Joash, Rwanda
I now have full knowledge of the importance of hearing God's voice in the midst of crisis. Not only that, I am now free to start flowing in speaking in other tongues and I have full knowledge on the curses and blessings. I am no longer the same again after attending this School of Ministry.
Sister Sharon, Zambia
Helping Hands
If you would like to learn more about the schools of ministry for bishops, pastors and church leaders in East and Central Africa, please look at the School of Ministry tab on our website at www.KingdomFaithMinistries.Org .
If you would like to donate to sponsoring more of these schools, please pray and obey as the Holy Spirit directs you. You can donate easily via a button on the website. We have a waiting list of over 5,000 pastors from East and Central Africa (11 countries) who are asking for Schools of Ministry to be run in their area. We go as far as we can with the funds the Lord brings to us. The spiritual hunger is so enormous! So thank you for your prayers and your financial help.
We love you very much and praise God for you. There is no way to do ministry except by listening and obeying what the Lord is telling you and I to do. Thank you for your loving obedience to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ . What a privilege to be allowed to come alongside and build His church His way!
With you for His glory,
--Paul and Rita Norcross
Repentance Ready
Paul D. Norcross
Let There Be Light
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
God Can Fix Dead Bones!
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Living in the Miraculous: Smith Wigglesworth-Part 3
Cheryl A. Elton
Living in the Miraculous: Smith Wigglesworth-Part 2
Cheryl A. Elton
Living in the Miraculous: Smith Wigglesworth-Part 1
Cheryl A. Elton
The Gospel of the Kingdom
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
No Greater Love, No Greater Joy
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Thankful Every Day
Cheryl A. Elton
Lessons From Jonah
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Seek First The Kingdom
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Lessons From The Mayflower
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
He Teaches Our Hands to War
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Killing Coronavirus: A Call to Christians
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Emptiness to Overflow in 2020
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Be Still
Dr Paul D. Norcross
Confidence in the Lord
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Christ
Paul D. Norcross / Cheryl A. Elton
Starting the New Year Strong
Cheryl A. Elton
In Whom is No Guile
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
All Africa Shall Be Saved
Cheryl A. Elton
A Man After God's Own Heart
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Increase Your Power When You Pray
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
What Satan Meant For Evil
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
George Müller's Secret to Effective Prayer
Cheryl A. Elton
Listening For God
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
In The Secret Place
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 10
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 9
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 8
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 7
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 6
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 5
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 4
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 3
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 2
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
When the Trumpet Sounds: Part 1
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
George Müller: Hero of the Faith
Cheryl A. Elton
In Heavenly Places
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Romans 8:28: Conforming to Christ
Cheryl A. Elton
Arm Yourself
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Let God Arise
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Supercharging Your Spiritual Authority: The Role Of Fasting
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
The Weakness Of The Law
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
The Answer For Our Times
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Cheer Up!
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Help! I Need Healing!
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
The Mechanism of Miracles
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
My Presence Shall Go Before You
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Stay In His Presence!
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
The Shortest Distance
Dr. Paul Norcross
Jesus Is Waiting In The Garden
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Thirsting For Him!
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Let Us Remember
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
The Lesson of Elijah
Dr. Paul D. Norcross