
The Kingdom Faith Ministries International School of Ministry addresses the need for biblical equipping of pastors and church leaders in vital ministry subjects such as:

The demand for such training has been remarkable, particularly in Africa. Over 8,000 graduates of KFMI Schools of Ministry continue to relay what they have learned to other pastors. As a result, thousands more personal requests from pastors have been received for more schools. The waiting list continues to grow across dozens of nations and continents.

To answer this need, KFMI has developed instructional books, videos, and classes to teach and impart biblical understanding and practical ministry resources. The work in Africa alone continues to grow exponentially. But across Asia and the Western Pacific requests also regularly come in.

The KFMI School of Ministry is available for free through the donations of like-minded believers in Christ. The School consists of four days of pastor training classes, at the end of which each pastor receives a full set of books for continued study.

Schools are presently running regularly in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Rwanda, DR Congo, Burundi, and proposed for Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Botswana. Additionally, Bible colleges in India and Pakistan are using our materials.

To attend a School, pastors must provide their own transportation, food and housing. Each School typically averages between 120 and 350 students. See the School of Ministry basic curriculum.

Much of the wisdom we’ve learned in running these Schools of Ministry has resulted in the basic tenets of How We Do Ministry.



Due to the great demand for the pastor training four-day Schools of Ministry, we are continually in need of funds to support them. Please prayerfully consider how you might help. God bless you!  

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