
Help! I Need Healing!
Thursday, February 25, 2016 by Dr. Paul D. Norcross

Last night I had a sharp pain in my chest.  My flesh immediately started to fear.  But a moment later I remembered to speak directly to the pain and command it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. 

And it did.

I do the same with any joint pains that arise.  They always obey and leave because Jesus gave us the authority to do so.  He took our infirmities and sicknesses on the cross (Matthew 8:17) and by His stripes we were (already!) healed (1 Peter 2:24).

That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.  (Matthew 8:17)

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.  (1 Peter 2:24)

So I have learned over the years to use the authority Jesus gave me to command obedience to all affliction, symptoms. 

Symptoms are often clever devices of the adversary.  Satan tries to deflate faith in our Great Physician and resort instead to fleshly solutions without revelation from God to do so.  This is one of the great idolatries of modern cultures.  Much of medicine simply suppresses those symptoms, giving a feeling of relief as the body that God designed heals by itself.  Yet medicine is thought to heal!  Trusting in medicine can be innately idolatrous when God is cut out of the faith picture.

God set 120 years as our life-span boundary (Genesis 6:3).  Some say it is only 70 or 80 years per Psalm 90:8-12.  But the context of that Psalm concerns the sinful pride and iniquity (the lawless doing of your own thing) of mankind.  In such a scenario, 70 or 80 years is the rule.

But God’s Word promises something dramatically different for His children.  Walking by faith with eyes not dim and natural force not abated as Moses did for 120 years is available.  God has not rescinded this promise.                   

In the book How Can I Get My Healing From God? powerful keys to divine faith for health are shared that have helped many people overcome significant and often very subtle health attacks. 

Satan can be defeated.  We can overcome in the victory in Christ in every area—including our health! 

Perhaps this has not yet been your experience.  May I suggest that the solution from drowning may well rest in learning how to swim?  God’s promises for healing are effective and powerful.  Learning how to apply those promises is a joy to pursue—and they work!

I love you and so does Jesus Christ.  And I also enjoy throwing evil spirits into the deep that try to afflict God's children.  So often health attacks are nothing more than a devil trying to throw a symptom on us to see if we will choose to keep it or not.  I love to make it costly for demons to do so!  Where does oppression and depression come from?  Suicide? Addictions? Curses?

It is always so much easier to train in peace than to learn in war.  So it is with learning how to receive and keep our healing from God.  God knows how to teach us to walk in faith to exercise our dominion over health issues.  Jesus went to the cross to give you and me this authority. 

Let’s use it for ourselves and give it away to others.  Hallelujah!

With you in Christ’s healing power,


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